Kia Feyzjou Criminal Defense Law

Kia attended Beverly Hills High School and graduated top of his class. He attended the University of California – Santa Barbara where he pursued a major in communications. Thereafter, he attended Pepperdine Law School and obtained his JD degree. Kia passed the California Bar Examination on his first attempt and became sworn in December 2000 to practice law. Kia has handled thousands of criminal matters from arraignment to trial. Kia is an experienced trial attorney in courts throughout Southern California. He has an excellent reputation amongst colleagues, Judges, prosecutors and others working in the legal field. Please review our firm’s recent results. You will see the dedication, love and compassion that is given to each and every case. Our recent results signify the amazing work our office strives to perform for each client. Kia is also a Board Certified Specialist in Criminal Law, a distinction that is rare to achieve in the State of California. Essentially, Board Certification means Kia has proven a track record of accomplishments and achievements for the State Bar of California to recognize him as a “specialist”. A Board Certified Specialist in Law is much like a Board Certified Medical Professional to the extent that the Board has approved certification for someone who has further training and experience in their field to a higher standard than other professionals.

Silvestre Ventura
If you need a defense Attorney look no further! Kia is great at what he does, he explains the process and gives you peace of mind. Him and his staff are truly Amazing and make you feel like part of the family, you're not just another client to them, they make you feel welcomed and comfort you in this tough moment of your life.
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