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Thomas F. Shebell, III Personal Injury Law www.shebell.com/

In thirty years of representing injured people, I do my best to treat each person’s case as the most important one I’ve ever handled. My goal is to treat each client as I would expect to be treated. I became a lawyer to help make a positive change in people’s lives. As a boy, my parents stressed the importance of living life by basic, universal truths. To name a few —Treat others as you want to be treated. When you make a mistake, accept responsibility. Actions speak louder than words. When you take on a job, do it right. It’s always better to be safe than to be sorry. I try to live by those “universal truths” and hope that others will try to do the same. I believe most people want to do the right thing. Unfortunately, many people and corporations have either neglected, or turned a blind eye to, people’s fundamental right to be safe and free from harm, just to avoid responsibility. The end result of the refusal to accept corporate or personal accountability is that I meet people every day who suffer from physical and emotional injuries that could have and should have been prevented. For the past 30 years, I’ve fought to help people recover money to make up for harm and losses from those that have caused their life-changing injuries. “Money” for Civil Justice is a poor substitute for the preventable horrors that I’ve seen over the years, but it is all our law will allow.

"Thomas F. Shebell III, is a man and lawyer of his word. I have known Thomas Shebell III for over ten years. I will say that I'm a cynic when it come to lawyers in general as I concur with "Shakespears" take on this profession. However, I make Thomas Shebell the exception to this sentiment based on his history, integrity, high moral fiber and his genuine caring for each client. If you have a complicated case Thomas F. Shebell III Will put order to the chaos throughout the legal process. You will be able to make informed decisions based on his study of your case and give you appropriate direction. I'm confident that Thomas F. Shebell III, will guide you appropriately and fairly and that you will be satisfied with your legal outcome. If I had to make a comparison of Thomas Shebell III, I would compare him to the fictional character "Atticus Finch" the main character in "To kill a mockingbird" who demonstrated the qualities that Thomas F. ShebellI has. Thank you Tom for your caring and legal expertise!"
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